Podrobnosti programa



Klaus Regling, Managing Director of the European Stability Mechanism – ESM, will focus on the future consequences of unprecedented current economic policy measures. It seems so that there will be a lot of money for quite some time to come. Central, European, commercial … Can potential higher inflation overwhelm our plans based on rich sources of financing? The speaker will also present his views on the future of EU’s fiscal coordination or more specifically fiscal rules, especially in the context of green EU initiative and climate protection, view on inflation expectations, the evolving role of Chinese Yuan as reserve currency, …

Facilitator: Dušan MRAMOR, PhD, full professor at the School of Economics and Business, University of Ljubljana

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Pridružite se nam 17. in 18. novembra 2022

Pogled na svetovno gospodarstvo. Ali bo virus usoden tudi za kapitalizem kot ga poznamo doslej? Spremenjena realnost in preizkus odpornosti


Grand Hotel Bernardin Obala 2 6320 Portorož


sandra.zidar@finance.si, +386 (0)41 904 206

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