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Michele Zanini is co-authored the bestselling book Humanocracy. Zanini has fascinated managers around the world, teaching them how to use simple methods to motivate their employees to become more innovative and creative. Methods described in Humanocracy help companies become a more desirable and successful employer in the battle for talent.

Employees are most often frustrated by red tape. How to cut the red tape reasonably, effectively and in a targeted manner to support faster growth of the company and improve its attraction with greater creativity? The epidemic has undeniably been changing the way of working in countless companies. How to manage what we learned in the epidemic in a modern and attractive company? How to combine teleworking, certain elements of which can be very attractive to employees as well as companies, with traditional skills and methods of work that will never become obsolete? How can a company find a new, more responsible mission that will make it more attractive and improve its growth and profitability? Concrete paths and alphabet for increasing the attraction.

  • Michele ZANINI, co-author of the Wall Street Journal bestseller Humanocracy, co-founder of Management Lab

Facilitator: Miha ŠKERLAVAJ, PhD, full professor at the School of Economics and Business, University of Ljubljana

Prof. dr. Miha Škerlavaj
prodekan za raziskovanje ter redni profesor managementa na Ekonomski Fakulteti v Univerze v Ljubljani

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Pogled na svetovno gospodarstvo. Ali bo virus usoden tudi za kapitalizem kot ga poznamo doslej? Spremenjena realnost in preizkus odpornosti


Grand Hotel Bernardin Obala 2 6320 Portorož


sandra.zidar@finance.si, +386 (0)41 904 206

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