Arhiv Poslovne konference Portorož

glavni globalni ekonomist , Dun & Bradstreet

Višji direktor, analitični vodja Bonitetne ocene držav in mednarodnih javnih financ za Evropo, Bližnji vzhod in Afriko

Senior Director, Analytical Lead Country and International Public Finance Ratings for Europe, the Middle East and Africa

Director of the winter division and vice president of the Elan Group

Direktor zimske divizije in podpredsednik skupine Elan

Prodekan za raziskovalno delo in doktorski študij, redni profesor na Ekonomski Fakulteti v Ljubljani

Vice-dean for research work and doctoral studies, full professor at the Faculty of Economics in Ljubljana

Full professor and researcher at the Faculty of Economics, University of Ljubljana

Redni profesor in raziskovalec na Ekonomski Fakulteti Univerze v Ljubljani

Ustanovitelj in častni predsednik podjetja Simon-Kucher & Partners

Founder and Honorary Chairman of Simon-Kucher & Partners

Norwegian business executive, Chair, Non-executive director and member of the European Innovation Council (EIC)

Head of Bayer Consumer Healthcare for the 8 countries that comprise the Western Balkans

Vodja potrošniških zdravstvenih izdelkov za področje Alpe-Adria, Bayer

Global Chief Economist at Dun & Bradstreet