The central theme of this year’s conference is added value. How to Achieve Stronger Slovenian Companies and a Wealthier Nation


As we transition into 2024, the Office for Macroeconomic Analysis has reported that Slovenia is falling behind the EU average in terms of productivity, with indicators of added value per employee being low compared to other EU countries. What are the reasons for this decline? Are we too skeptical of new technologies? Are we not learning enough? Are we lacking ambition?

The fact is that Slovenian companies will need to focus on increasing the added value per employee, exploring new markets, and better leveraging opportunities presented by new technologies and the growth of artificial intelligence.

At this year’s Business Conference Portorož, we aim to demonstrate that the key to high added value lies in continuous development, innovation, investment in knowledge, and employee engagement with the company. Added value per employee depends on a combination of strategies, investments, and organizational culture within the company.

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